
전체 308건(10/35 페이지)
전자책 목록 수 변경영역
  • Swiss Hidden Pearls (커버이미지)
    [건강/취미/레저]Swiss Hidden Pearls
    • 스위스 정부 관광청 엮음
    • 아이이펍
    • 2015-10-10

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
  • Swiss Honeymoon (커버이미지)
    [건강/취미/레저]Swiss Honeymoon
    • 스위스 정부 관광청 엮음
    • 아이이펍
    • 2015-10-10

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
  • Touch 2 (커버이미지)
    [건강/취미/레저]Touch 2
    • 강명순,김민지,김세희,등명스님,이금종,이혜원,편해라,한종훈,한진아,함준선
    • 나우중의컨설팅
    • 2015-10-10

    ‘기부’와 ‘공유’라는 뜻에 동참해준 많은 이들의 도움으로 ‘Touch 제2호’가 출간되었다.‘Touch 제2호’의 키워드는 ‘오해’다. 사실 바른 이야기를 전달하고 싶었기 때문에 ‘오해’라는 키워드를 선택했다. 독자들은 따뜻한 마음으로 원고를 기부해준 저자들의 이야기를 통해 우리 일상생활에서 많은 영향을 미치는 요소들(컬러, 건강, 미디어 등)에 대한 오해를 풀 수 있을 것이다.‘Touch’원고에서부터 제작까지 모두 ‘기부’를 통해 만들어진 매우 특별한 책이다.이야기를 기부해준 저자들, 책을 제작해준 재능기부자들의 마음이 ‘오해’없이 독자들에게 전달될 수 있길 바란다.

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
  • Touch 3 (커버이미지)
    [건강/취미/레저]Touch 3
    • 김민지, 김세희, 등명스님, 송천수, 신영종, 이금종, 이혜원, 정무훈, 편해라, 함준선,
    • 나우중의컨설팅
    • 2015-10-10

    Touch 제3호는 앞으로 계속 출간될 Touch에서 기념비적인 책이다. Touch 제1호와 2호는 기부와 공유를 통해서 책이 출간되는 모습을 분명하게 보여주었다면, Touch 제3호부터는 기부와 공유를 전하는 사회적 전자책으로서의 역할을 다하기 위해 라이프와 힐링을 중심 섹션으로 구성했다. 그리고 독자들이 Touch를 통해 더욱 넓고 다양한 세상을 만날 수 있길 바라는 마음에서 사회적기업과 자신의 분야에서 열심히 살고 있는 사람들을 소개하는 인터뷰를 추가했다. 문화 분야의 새로운 인재들을 발굴하고, 베스트셀러에 밀려 독자들에게 알려지지 못한 좋은 책들을 소개하는 새로운 시도를 진행했다. Touch 제3호의 키워드는 ‘Before Sunrise’다. 2014년을 맞아 Touch가 더욱 넓은 세상을 환하게 밝혀 줄 것이다.

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
  • Touch 4 (커버이미지)
    [건강/취미/레저]Touch 4
    • 김세희, 등명스님, 메이커스, 신영종, 정무훈, 편해라, 프레임, 한종우, 한진아
    • 나우중의컨설팅
    • 2015-10-10

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
  • Touch 5 (커버이미지)
    [건강/취미/레저]Touch 5
    • 고길성 김세희 김태희 이윤형 정무훈 정재희 편해라 한진아
    • 나우중의컨설팅
    • 2015-10-10

    ‘책’이라고 하면 텍스트를 떠올리고, ‘전자책’이라고 하면 디지털 디바이스에서 보는 차가운 콘텐츠를 생각하지만, Touch는 자신의 재능과 이야기를 기부해주시는 분들 덕분에 글과 그림이 어우러지고, 따뜻한 손길이 느껴지는 책으로 거듭나고 있다. Touch 5호의 주제는 ‘시작’이다. 독자들은 컬러, 인간관계, 여행, 가족, 커피 등 다양한 분야에 녹아 있는 ‘시작’을 만나볼 수 있다. 우리 주변 99%의 이야기를 통해 나와 우리를 좀 더 이해하고 공감하자는 취지에 힘을 보태주는 분들 덕분에 보다 풍성하게 담아낼 수 있었다.

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
  • Touch제6호 (커버이미지)
    • 나우중의컨설팅
    • 2015-10-10

    1. 내 아이의 몸짓! 색으로 답을 찾아라 “한가지 색(色)에만 집착하는 아이! 과연 이대로 두어도 되는 것인가?”아이들의 표현법을 받아들이는 부모의 자세를 사례를 통해 배운다.2. 발레에 매료되다아름다운 몸짓, 발레에 매료된 윤영주 씨의 이야기를 담았다.3. 나는 동사다서울을 시민들과 함께하는 신바람 나는 춤판으로 만들자!서울댄스프로젝트 시민 춤단의 일원인 그는 평범한 회사원이었다. 어느 날 그가 춤을 추게 된 이야기를 담았다.4. 성장 : 과거의 나에게 화해의 손짓을 보내다지금의 나를 만든 것은 아프지만 꼭 필요한 성장통이 있었기 때문일 것이다. 성장해서 현재에 이른 지금, 과거를 되돌아본다.5. 컬러풀 네일무더운 여름에는 네일아트를 통해 기분전환을 할 수 있다. 나에게 맞는 네일 컬러를 알아보자.6. 반려 동물의 몸짓반려동물의 애교 있는 생활 속 몸짓.7. 절대 솔직 태국 여행기 day-2쉼이 필요한 나에게 준 선물, 태국 여행기.8. 몸으로 말하다숨결 정무훈 작가의 그림9. 스시젠스시의 달인, 켄이치로를 만났다.10. 자연에서 살기, 자연에서 살기 위해 살기라오스 시골 마을에서 자연과 함께하는 지속 가능한 미래를 그려본다. 11. 몸이 사원이다생활 속에서 발견한 명상을 통해 내 몸을 치유하고 사랑하는 법을 배워보자.12. Touch가 만난 사람즐겁게 오래 일할 수 있는 일터를 꿈꾸며, 직업체험의 기회를 주는 곳이 있다.장애우들의 전문적인 직업 체험의 기회를 제공하는 곳, 수리장애인복지관 바리스타 교실을 찾았다.13. 사회적 기업이 마음껏 춤출 수 있도록 돕는 ‘한국사회적기업진흥원’사회적 기업은 어떤 곳이며, 지원 요건은 어떤 것이 있을까? 꼼꼼히 살펴보자. 14. 새로운 세상으로의 몸짓어린이 교육도, 사람도, 일상도 책으로 피어나다.유아 교육 콘텐츠를 제공하는 책봄 출판을 소개한다.

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
  • What the World is Reading (2012) (커버이미지)
    [건강/취미/레저]What the World is Reading (2012)
    • Penguin Group (USA)
    • 피어슨에듀케이션코리아
    • 2015-10-10

    1. The Doctor and the Diva By Adrienne McDonnell “Some novels just naturally enslave you, and this is one of them. . . . Serious andgripping . . . [a] brilliant debut novel.”―The Washington Post2. Fall of Giants: Book One of the Century Trilogy By Ken FollettTHE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER3. The GendarmeBy Mark T. Mustian“A harrowing and truly important novel” (Pulitzer Prizewinning author Robert Olen Butler) about a man who faces his past and seeks forgiveness.4. The Lake of DreamsBy Kim EdwardsThe highly anticipated new novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Memory Keeper\'s Daughter.5. The Weird SistersBy Eleanor Brownthe New York Times bestselling debut of a major new talent that tackles the complicated terrain of sisters, the power of books, and the places we decide to call home...6. A Discovery of WitchesBy Deborah Harkness“A wonderfully imaginative grownup fantasy with all the magic of Harry Potter or Twilight.”―People7. Battle Hymn of the Tiger MotherBy Amy ChuaAfter igniting a firestorm of debate across the nation, Amy Chua\'s daring, conversation changing memoir is now in paperback8. The House at TynefordBy Natasha SolomonsAn irresistible World War II story of a forbidden upstairs-downstairs romance in a great English country houseFor fans of Downton Abbey, a New York Times bestseller, the start of an affair, the end of an era9. The Death InstinctBy Jed RubenfeldFrom the international bestselling author―“a sprawling and ambitious literary mystery” (The Seattle Times)10. You Know When the Men are GoneBy Siobhan Fallon“The stories in this volume are, quite frankly, extraordinary...it should not be missed.”―New York Journal of Books

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
  • What the World is Reading (2013) (커버이미지)
    [건강/취미/레저]What the World is Reading (2013)
    • Penguin Group (USA)
    • 피어슨에듀케이션코리아
    • 2015-10-10

    1. Blackberry WinterBy Sarah JioIn 2011, Sarah Jio burst onto the fiction scene with two sensational novels?he Violetsof March and The Bungalow. With Blackberry Winter?aking its title from a late season, cold weather phenomenon?io continues her rich exploration of the ways personal connections can transcend the boundaries of time. Seattle,1933. Single mother Vera Ray kisses her three-year-old son, Daniel, good night and departs to work the nightshift at a local hotel. She emerges to discover that a May Day snow has blanketed the city, and that her son has disappeared. Seattle, 2010. Seattle Herald reporter Claire Aldridge, assigned to cover the May 1 ?lackberry winter?storm and its twin, learns of the unsolved abduction and vows to unearth the truth. Are she and Vera linked in unexpected ways?2. City of Dark MagicBy Magnus FlyteOnce a city of enormous wealth and culture, Prague was home to emperors, alchemists, astronomers, and, as it? whispered, hell portals. When music student Sarah Weston lands a summer job at Prague Castle cataloging Beethoven? manuscripts, she has no idea how dangerous her life is about to become. Prague is a threshold, Sarah is warned, and it is steeped in blood. Soon after Sarah arrives, strange things begin to happen. She learns that her mentor, who was working at the castle, may not have committed suicide after all. Could his cryptic notes be warnings? As Sarah parses his clues about Beethoven? ?mmortal Beloved,?she manages to get arrested, to have tantric sex in a public fountain, and to discover a time-warping drug. She also catches the attention of a four-hundred-year-old dwarf, the handsome Prince Max, and a powerful U.S. senator with secrets she will do anything to hide.And now the story continues with City of Lost Dreams, the mesmerizing sequel that hits shelves this December, which finds Sarah in the heart of Vienna, embroiled in a new web of mystical secrets and treacherous lies.3. The ConfidantBy Helene Gremillon, Alison AndersonParis, 1975. Camille sifts through letters of condolence after her mother\'s death when a strange, handwritten missive stops her short. At first she believes she received it by mistake. But then, a new letter arrives each week from a mysterious stranger, Louis, who seems intent on recounting the story of his first love, Annie. They were separated in the years before World War II when Annie befriended a wealthy, barren couple and fell victim to a merciless plot just as German troops arrive in Paris. But also awaitingCamille\'s discovery is the other side of the story, which will call into question Annie\'s innocence and reveal the devastating consequences of jealousy and revenge. As Camille reads on, she begins to realize that her own life may be the next chapter in this tragic story.Part historical drama, part suspense novel, The Confidant is a stunning debut novel that will captivate readers of Sarah\'s Key, Suite Fran?ise, and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.4. Believing the LieBy Elizabeth GeorgeThe #1 New York Times bestseller ?nd Elizabeth George\'s New AmericanLibrary debutAfter writing sixteen Inspector Lynley novels, New York Times bestselling authorElizabeth George has millions of fans waiting for the next one. As USA Today put it, \"It\'s tough to resist George\'s storytelling.\" With Believing the Lie, she\'s poised to hook countless more.Inspector Thomas Lynley is mystified when he\'s sent undercover to investigate the death of Ian Cresswell at the request of the man\'s uncle, the wealthy and influential Bernard Fairclough. The death has been ruled an accidental drowning, and nothing on the surface indicates otherwise. But when Lynley enlists the help of his friends Simon and Deborah St. James, the trio\'s digging soon reveals that the Fairclough clan is awash in secrets, lies, and motives.Deborah\'s investigation of the prime suspect Bernard\'s prodigal son Nicholas, a recovering drug addict?eads her to Nicholas\'s wife, a woman with whom she feels a kinship, a woman as fiercely protective as she is beautiful. Lynley and Simon delve for information from the rest of the family, including the victim\'s bitter ex-wife and the manhe left her for, and Bernard himself. As the investigation escalates, the Fairclough family\'s veneer cracks, with deception and self-delusion threatening to destroy everyone from the Fairclough patriarch to Tim, the troubled son Ian left behind.5. A Good AmericanBy Alex George ?his lush, epic tale of one family\'s journey...had me alternately laughing and crying, but always riveted. It\'s a rich, rare treat of a book.??ara Gruen, bestselling author of Water for ElephantsBy a twist of fate, a young immigrant couple puts down stakes in the small rural town ofBeatrice, Missouri. Unable to speak one word of English, they begin to build their dream around their growing family. Now, their grandson, James, sets out to tell the story of the Meisenheimer family: his mother and father\'s tragic love story; their son and daughter; their four grandsons; James\' best friend, Lomax, a jazz trumpeter from New Orleans who crosses the color line?nd along the way, James will come to realize that some stories are never fully known, and that family secrets often take generations to be uncovered.6. The Memory of LoveBy Linda OlssonFrom the beloved author of Astrid & Veronika, a moving tale of friendship andRedemptionFans of Astrid & Veronika and Chris Cleave\'s Little Bee will be thrilled to read Linda Olsson\'s third novel. Here is Olsson doing what she does best: illuminating the terrain of friendship and examining the many forms that love can take.Marion Flint, a woman in her early fifties, has spent fifteen years living a quiet life on the rugged coast of New Zealand? life that allows the door to her past to remain firmly shut. But a chance meeting with a young, damaged boy named Ika and her desire to help him force Marion to open the Pandora\'s box of her memory. Seized by a sudden urgency to make sense of her past, she examines each image one-by-one: her grandfather, her mother, her brother, her lover. Perhaps if she can create order from the chaos, her memories will be easier to carry. Perhaps she\'ll be able to find forgiveness for the little girl that was her, for the young woman she had been, and for the people she left behind.7. The Book of JonasBy Stephen Dau? humane and unforgettable portrayal of the lives behind those casualty counts . . . Genuinely important.? The Wall Street JournalReviewers from coast to coast have hailed Stephen Dau as a major new literary talent?and his debut novel, The Book of Jonas, as a landmark work about the true cost of war.In spare, evocative prose, Dau tells the story of Jonas, who is fifteen when his family is killed during an errant U.S. military operation in an unnamed Middle Eastern country.After being sent to America, Jonas struggles to assimilate?adapting to his foster family, high school, a first love. He meets Rose Henderson, the mother of the U.S. soldier responsible for saving his life. Christopher Henderson disappeared after the raid that destroyed Jonas\'s village, and Rose yearns to know the truth. Gradually, a shocking and painful secret emerges.8. Escape from Camp 14By Blaine HardenThe heart-wrenching New York Times bestseller about the only known person born inside a North Korean prison camp to have escapedNorth Korea? political prison camps have existed twice as long as Stalin? Soviet gulags and twelve times as long as the Nazi concentration camps. No one born and raised in these camps is known to have escaped. No one, that is, except Shin Donghyuk.In Escape From Camp 14, Blaine Harden unlocks the secrets of the world? most repressive totalitarian state through the story of Shin? shocking imprisonment and his astounding getaway. Shin knew nothing of civilized existence?e saw his mother as a competitor for food, guards raised him to be a snitch, and he witnessed the execution of his mother and brother.The late ?ear Leader?Kim Jong Il was recognized throughout the world, but his country remains sealed as his third son and chosen heir, Kim Jong Eun, consolidates power. Few foreigners are allowed in, and few North Koreans are able to leave. North Korea is hungry, bankrupt, and armed with nuclear weapons. It is also a human rights catastrophe. Between 150,000 and 200,000 people work as slaves in its political prison camps. These camps are clearly visible in satellite photographs, yet North Korea? government denies they exist.Harden? harrowing narrative exposes this hidden dystopia, focusing on an extraordinary young man who came of age inside the highest security prison in the highest security state. Escape from Camp 14 offers an unequalled inside account of one of the world? darkest nations. It is a tale of endurance and courage, survival and hope.9. The Gods of GothamBy Lyndsay Faye?f your concept of paradise is popping in a DVD of Gangs of New York while reading Caleb Carr\'s The Alienist, then put The Gods of Gotham on your tobuy list?( USA Today ).1845: New York City forms its first police force. The great potato famine hits Ireland. These two events will change New York City forever...In 1845, Timothy Wilde tends bar, saving up in hopes of winning the girl of his dreams.But when those dreams are destroyed by a fire that devastates downtown Manhattan, he has little choice but to accept a job in the newly minted New York City Police Department.Returning from his rounds one night, Tim collides with a little girl covered in blood. She tells him an unbelievable story of dozens of bodies buried in the forest north of Twenty-ThirdStreet. Now, as the image of a killer is revealed and anti-Irish rage infects the city, the reluctant cop will engage in a battle that may cost him everything...10. Some Assembly RequiredBy Anne Lamott, Sam LamottThe New York Times bestseller from the ?oyenne of the parenting memoir?(Time)?it\'s one Lamott\'s fans will want?(The Washington Post).?f there is a doyenne of the parenting memoir, it would be Anne Lamott.?TimeIn Some Assembly Required, Anne Lamott enters a new and unexpected chapter in her own life: grandmotherhood. Stunned to learn that her son, Sam, is about to become a father at nineteen, Lamott begins a journal about the first year of her grandson Jax? life. In careful and often hilarious detail, Lamott and Sam?bout whom she first wrote so movingly in Operating Instructions?truggle to balance their changing roles. By turns poignant and funny, honest and touching, Some Assembly Required is the true story of how the birth of a baby changes a family?s this book will change everyone who reads it.

    보유 1, 대출 , 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10